When a twilight gleamed up in my eyes...When I sat there in the moonlight amidst the absolute tranquility and frosty breezes embrace my face cuddling sense of eternal jovial spirits, I contemplate and introspect on those days of euphoria spent...Those enduring movements when we all have spirits of togetherness and ebullience. Make rolls in aisles by reunion...Indeed the days of florid beauty could be relieved...!! Let's get down the memory lanes... let's roll back some pages of evanescent moments...of the days spent in jubilation, euphoria, frenzy lived in absolute gala spirits...MPS looks antecedently to resuscitate and enkindle its ties with its brainery...to resurrect the bonds which were left behind
Indeed, the most transcendent moments filled in with resplendent memoir...the pages when turned back speak of themselves...the days when relived given a sense of an eternal ectasy...the times when you meet childhood friends...where in the nostalgia spreads...the heart beats and a galore of blithe runs in your perpicacity. the lanes when revisited, the memory flashes back; rejuvenating your soul with its own charisma. The aeon which you left back years ago, rolled up into the nitty-gritty of time and went ahead keeping the ethos and morals inculcated as the firm stanchion to embark your own journey...with waves of reminiscence and redolence all over.
Alumni meets always offer a strong obelisk for the institution to know about its strength, it's a jubilation which the lyceum eulogies with its strongest roots. It gets to know about flaws and the corrective measures to be interpreted. Many look forward to seeing old friends and hearing their life stories. Whatever you feel about reunion, to drop into conversations at your old alma mater. The MPS fraternity welcomes you with open hearts...your school welcomes you...!!